Advocacy and fundraising
ZVSF would not be able to operate without the support of individuals, groups and churches across the UK and beyond. We would love to work with you to advocate for the people of Zimbabwe and raise money to continue our work.
Speaking opportunities
The trustees welcome the opportunity to speak about the work of ZVSF and the wider situation in Zimbabwe. If you would like us to speak at a meeting or church service, please contact us via the details below and we will respond to you directly.

Falmouth Methodist Church has been one of our most faithful supporters over the years. The picture on the left shows a display table with the distinctive Zimbabwean flag, which appears regularly at their fund-raising coffee mornings!
If you are looking to raise funds through sponsorship or an event, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us via the details below and we will respond to you directly.
A precious gift of talent and time
The beautiful liturgical banner featured here (and others like them depicting the Christian festivals) were hand crafted by two ladies of extraordinary talent. Mrs Irene Watts (on the right) and her friend Mrs Anne White had been commissioned by a church in Liverpool to produce a full set of banners to be on permanent display.
After many months of careful and intricate work – a labour of love on the part of the two ladies - the banners were ready and were presented to the church, to great acclaim. Irene Watts donated the whole of her part of the fee received to Zimbabwe Victims Support Fund, which she and her husband, the late Methodist minister Rev Dave Watts, have supported faithfully since its inception.